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"Project Clean Feed represents a partnership between and Canada's major Internet Service Providers (ISPs), aimed at reducing accidental access to child sexual abuse images and discouraging those trying to access or distribute them." - Public Safety Canada - Click here and learn more. Human Trafficking Law
Talking about suicide is one of the most effective ways to help prevent suicide. Your employer, someone you know may have an EAP that you can contact for support in times of crisis. Talk to a friend, ask your HR or your H&S team to find out more.
You can help reduce the risk of contracting the virus.
Talk to your workplace, and check the government of Canada's website if you or a family member gets sick. Plan to take extra precautionary measures.
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"ASIST, from Living Works, is a 2-day intensive, interactive and practice-dominated course designed to help individuals recognize the risk of suicide, and learn how to intervene to prevent the risk of suicidal thoughts becoming suicidal behaviour." (CMHA)
"Trusted by professionals, approved by the World Health Organization and learnable by anyone, LivingWorks Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is the only workshop of its kind.
Updated continually to reflect new knowledge, LivingWorks ASIST has been training people to provide suicide first aid interventions for 40 years.